Jessica Lemmon in The Dungeon

We haven’t had a guest drop by in quite a while, but I’m delighted to have our very own Darling Jessica (aka Jessica Lemmon) in The Dungeon today, talking about her publishing debut, TEMPTING THE BILLIONAIRE.


Jessica Lemmon has always been a dreamer. At some point, she decided head-in-the-clouds thinking was childish and went out and got herself a job.  And then she got another one because that one was lousy.  And when that one stopped being fulfilling, she went out and got another…and another.

Soon it became apparent she’d only be truly happy doing what she loved.  And since “eating potato chips” isn’t a viable career, she opted to become a writer.  With fire in her heart, she dusted off a book she’d started years prior, finished it, and submitted it.  It may have been the worst book ever, but it didn’t stop her from writing another one.  Now she has several books finished, several more started, and even more marinating in her brain (which currently resides in the clouds, thankyouverymuch), and she couldn’t be happier.

She firmly believes God gifts us with talents for a purpose, and with His help, you can create the life you want.  You can visit Jessica on the web at

I’m a little surprised Jessica agreed to drop by, actually.  I mean, she’s seen others stretched & punished on The Rack.  You’d kind of think she’d run screaming in the other direction.  But since she didn’t, let’s see if she can stand the heat… splat

What is your favorite color?  This question always reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. *snicker* I love earth tones—olive green, brown, copper, orange…  I know that’s more than one, but it depends on what day you ask me which is my favorite.

Favorite song?  Right now? Carina Round’s “For Everything a Reason”—haunting and beautiful.  And Muse’s “Madness”.  See?  I can’t give just one answer!

Favorite movie?  *cries* These are hard, Heidi! I’ll tell you the movies I watch every year: Beautiful Girls, Home for the Holidays, Just Friends, If Lucy Fell.

And of course, favorite book?  Impossible!  You know (know!) I have to put a Heidi book on this list. And you probably know I’m going to say Blame it on the Blackout. Peter and Lucy. *le sigh*  And (yes, there’s an “and) I absolutely adore Knock Me for a Loop.  Zack. *RAWR*

What was the first book in your chosen genre that you remember reading, or that made you want to write the same?  An unpresumptuous little Harlequin Special Edition by Gina Wilkins: The Best Man’s Plan. The guy on the cover looks so much like a young Patrick Dempsey—BONUS!

What do you think of Heidi? She’s great, right?  Ohmygosh, THE BEST! I mean, if I were you, I’d take her opinions to the BANK. She knows of what she speaks. Like, say, when she refers to an author’s debut as “smashing”. :like

How did you get started writing?  I wrote some really awful emo poetry when I was a disgruntled teen, and a few disjointed bits of chapters here and there. I love to create. Writing is what I did in between drawing.

Tell us a little bit about The Call—i.e. your first sale.  It was a beautiful summer day…and I was in the basement.  (Hey, that’s where my office is located! :tongue )  My agent called to say that Grand Central/Forever loved my book. Loved! And that they wanted book #2, as well. eBook, print, and an advance. I was over the moon! :love

Fill in the blank—If you like [blank], you’ll love Jessica Lemmon!  I was forged in the romantic fires of Heidi Betts and Sarah Mayberry.

You made your debut this month with TEMPTING THE BILLIONAIRE. Tell us about it and why we’ll love every word.  It’s about an all-business billionaire who learns there’s more to life than a bottom line when he hires his sweet, sexy, unassuming personal assistant. (Has trouble written all over it, doesn’t it? :moonyou )

I understand you also got a fantabulous cover quote from a really super-duper amazingly talented author. Wowza. How’d you manage that?  LOL! Well, I think it has something to do with my years of groveling at the feet of Mistress Heidi. :flutter I’m a fan girl of Heidi Betts—I wrote a gushy fan girl letter several years back, in fact. When the kind-hearted—how did you put it?—“super-duper amazingly talented author” offered to read and quote, I said, “YES!” Well, first, I swooned and fainted a little. Then I said, “YES!” :hide

(Note from Heidi:  Boy, that was really generous of said author.  She sounds like an absolute saint!  You should send her flowers or candy or a naked & oiled-down Winchester to thank her.  Just sayin’. :peekaboo )

If your plane crashed in the Andes, would you convince the other survivors to eat Heidi first or last?  Last. I’d probably have to be eaten first since I don’t eat meat and would likely meet my demise sooner than the rest of you. *shudder* Now I’m thinking of Alive; my goodness that movie terrified me…

If you could write anything—whether in the same genre/sub-genre as you’re writing now or another—what would it be?  I love the idea of New Adult, but haven’t read one yet! I like that age, that over-eighteen-still-struggling-to-find-your-way age…or in my case, age 35. :tongue That or paranormal.

What are you currently working on?  Book #2 in the “Love in the Balance” series, entitled Hard to Handle. This book follows the story of Shane’s cousin, Aiden, and Crickitt’s best friend, Sadie. And, imho, if anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s Aiden and Sadie!


Leather or lace?
(Faux) Leather

Devil or angel?
Angel—one of those really sexy ones with white wings and 8-pack abs I see around here on Happy Hunk Day…have any of those to spare?

(Note from Mistress HeidiThe Dungeon never has hunks “to spare,” but I supposed a wee little blatant beefcake on a mild-mannered Tuesday couldn’t hurt.  Something like this, perhaps…)

Angel food or devil’s food?
Devil’s food!

Hemlock or arsenic?

Blood, sweat, or tears?

Boxers, briefs…or commando?

Cowgirl or missionary? (Hey, get your mind out of the gutter. I was simply asking what you wanted to be when you were growing up. :muahaha )
Cowgirl. Most definitely.

Thank you so much, Jessica, that was great!  And congratulations again on your debut! :topofthemornin

Via her publisher, Jessica has also generously offered to give away two copies of the TEMPTING THE BILLIONAIRE e-book after today’s visit.

To enter, simply leave a question or thought-provoking comment for Jessica.



These will be digital copies, so be sure you have an e-reader before entering.  (If you don’t, but want to ask a question or leave a comment without being entered in the drawing, just say so. :like )

U.S residents only for the prize.

As usual with Dungeon giveaways, the winner will be announced during our “Happy Sunday” post on Sunday, February 3rdWinner is responsible for contacting me with her mailing information once the announcement has been made.  I will forward it to Jessica & her publisher, & they’ll send your e-book at their earliest convenience.

I hope that makes sense!  Any questions, just ask. :flutter

Good luck, & enjoy your time with Jessica!


26 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. DebraG says:

    What a great interview. The question about the Andes threw me for a bit.

  2. Jessica Lemmon says:

    Thanks, Debra! Yeah, that was brutal! splat

  3. CrystalGB says:

    Hi Jessica. Great answers to Heidi’s questions. I love earth tones too. 🙂

  4. Heidi says:

    Welcome to The Dungeon, Jessica! Well, as a very special guest, anyway. Thanks for letting Mistress Heidi put you on The Rack for a while. :kissmeirish

    Congrats again on Tempting the Billionaire! Great cover, btw.

  5. Donna says:

    In my case earth tones probably means dust as I’ve been to busy reading to clean. Great interview. I do like the cover. :like

  6. Jay says:

    :like E komo mai! Welcome to the Dungeon! Congratulations on surviving the Rack, Jessica! splat

    I don’t know about how one gets their mind out of the gutter when one is in the Dungeon and on the Rack.

    Look forward to reading your book! Congratulations!! :cheers

  7. Heidi says:

    Feel free to ask Jessica questions about TEMPTING THE BILLIONAIRE, guys! Make her work while she’s over here. :beatingheart

    Ask her about the characters, how she came up with the idea, which of her heroes is her favorite… You know, the same sort of torturous Q&A you put me thru on a regular basis. :starwars

  8. Jessica Lemmon says:

    yeah, this is an easy gig! not feeling the pain at all! :kissmeirish

  9. Laura J says:

    First: I’ve read the book and its awesome! If you love Heidi’s books then you will love Jessica’s.

    Second: thank you for the “angel”. Is it wrong that I want to bring him over to the dark side?

    Third- I would go with the oiled down (up?) Wincester for the thank you gift. :peekaboo

  10. Maria Esquivel says:

    Awesome interview! Love meeting new authors! You are officially on my TBR list!! Looking forward to reading Tempting the Billionaire.


  11. Evelyn says:

    Are your characters based on actual people that you know? What would be ultimate fantasy that you may write in a book?

    • Jessica Lemmon says:

      Evelyn, not on real people per se, but my characters sometimes have attributes of real people. My heroine likes scary movies…like me. :charmer

      Ultimate fantasy? Hmmm…bedding a billionaire was a pretty good one, I thought. :muahaha

  12. Michelle Tack says:

    Looking forward to reading this…sounds like a great one! How do you continue to find fresh ideas?

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