Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday, everyone!  I hope you’ve had a wonderful week…are you ready to share the Ups you encountered during the past seven days? :happytable:

This week, I AM HAPPY that my Darlings of The Dungeon are so kind & understanding that they didn’t chastise me at all for not holding my usual “A Few of My Favorite Things” giveaway for my birthday.  In case you were wondering, I didn’t forget
about it…I just have no idea where any of my things—favorite or otherwise—are right now. :whereishe:  I’m so sorry!  I’d
honestly begun gathering items well ahead of time & even have them tucked into a box somewhere so they’d all be together. But because of this stupid move, & the fact that it’s taking forever, my life is an upside down jumble & attempting to find anything I need seems to be a frustrating game of Hide-&-Seek.

So please forgive me for letting you down.  I will do my very best to hold the giveaway next year—when, amazingly, I’ll be only 29 yet again! :bdaycake: —& if I find this year’s “Favorite Things” once I’m in the new house, unpacking & putting everything away, I may even hold a belated giveaway! :happybday:

On another topic, I AM HAPPY that everything went exceedingly well with the Exede Internet & DirecTV installation.  The couple who did all the work seemed to really know what they were doing; they took their time doing everything right, made sure everything was to my satisfaction, & were just friendly & helpful all around.  Granted, I haven’t used much of either (internet or tv) yet, but from what I have experienced, I think I’m going to be happy with the setup. And I was assured I could call them any time I needed to for help, advice, troubleshooting, etc. :turkeyknit:

I AM HAPPY that I ended up switching to DirecTV, after all.  Again, I haven’t done much with it so far, but from what I can see, I think I’m going to enjoy it.  The day it was installed, I still had to return to the “old” house to take care of The Kittehs, but I started to think about all the shows I record & how I wouldn’t be able to watch them at the New House with the old DishNetwork equipment. :kill turkey:  So I got online, set up an account at the DirecTV website, & started looking around.  Next thing you know, I was setting up all my shows to record at the New House.  They’ll be waiting for me when I arrive & settle in.  Wha-hoo! :ridemturkey:  That’s kind of awesome, if I do say so myself.

And last but not least, I AM HAPPY that Mr. Handyman is as wonderful as he is. :turkey dance:  Honestly, he is just the greatest! When the Exede installer said he needed two holes dug three feet deep for the poles that would hold the satellite dishes…& a trench to bury the wires…& that if I did it myself ahead of time, the installation would not only go faster, but I wouldn’t be charged for it (because he wouldn’t have to put in all that work), Mr. Handyman not only stepped up to help, but he actually contacted the Exede guy to get all the details so it would be done right & insisted on being there when the installation took place so he could help with pouring the concrete & such.  When the Exede guy got there & saw all the work Mr. Handyman had done, he called Mr. Handyman “a beast!” & ended up getting his number so he can hire Mr. Handyman for a few other installation jobs, too! :gobble:  Mr. Handyman is just THE BEST!

So what’s “the best” stuff doing on with you this week?  We want to hear what you’re grateful for & what’s making you happy.  Don’t be shy, we won’t bite…unless you ask us to. :yumyum:


13 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Donna A says:

    I am happy that my husband indulges my book habit. We drove an hour and a half to see one of my faves talk yesterday. I am happy that the travesty in France wasn’t worse and has yet to spark WWIII. I am very glad to see the world pull together to support those affected by the madness. I am happy that Heidi has survived her move and birthday and hope she can pop out another book soon.

    • Heidi says:

      LOL I think we all have to have indulgent people around us to tolerate our book addictions. I mean, seriously, we’re all out of control! :iamouttahere:

      But I’m glad you had a good time at the talk.

      And I’m with you on the Paris thing. This is officially my favorite thing now: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvV7qNqIAAAWr52.jpg

      And thank you, thank you for thinking of me! :happytable: I’ve got some stories in the pipeline, but this moving thing has really set me back. Fingers crossed I can get back to normal soon & get them out for you. :turkeyknit:

  2. Kathleen O says:

    I am happy that the sun is shining today for a special Book Launch and signing I am attending today for a new author Karma Brown..I was happy to be invited to this special event. She is a hometown girl made good and her parents and family and friends are going to celebrate with her.

    I am thankful that all my loved ones are safe and sound and that they continue to always be that way. We have special angels in heaven that help me with this…

    Have a wonderful Sunday and be safe and happy and blessed to live in where we do.

    • Heidi says:

      Oh, the weather is beautiful today! I managed to lock myself out of the new house for a while & was not only *thrilled* it was a warm, sunny day, but I was actually glad I’d done it because I wouldn’t have *known* it was sunny & beautiful otherwise. :turkeydance:

      Have fun at the launch party! If I didn’t have to get dressed to attend, I’d say it sounded like a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. :wishbone:

  3. Holly Smith says:

    I am thankful for my fur babies and good, sturdy locks on my doors.

  4. Brooke C says:

    I’m glad to hear that your internet/tv issues are finally resolved and that your wonderful handyman was able to help with the process!

    As for me, I’m happy that I realized I have a bit longer than I thought to complete a complicated project. I was getting a bit stressed about it, so I was very happy to realize that I made a mistake and thought I had to get it done earlier than I did :killturkey:
    I am very happy that my favourite craft show will be in town this week, and I get to go buy lots of Christmas presents from local artisans. I look forward to the show all year, so I’m very excited that it’s finally here!
    And I’m happy that I just ordered a bunch of books online. I realized Chapters sent me 2 good deals this weekend and I wanted to take advantage of my combined discount to stock up on a few new releases I’ve been wanting to buy :ridemturkey:

    Finally, I am also happy to see the world pulling together and showing their support for Paris. And it’s so inspiring to see Parisians continuing to live their lives and refusing to be cowed.

    • Heidi says:

      Oh, man, isn’t it nice when you find out you’ve got more time than you thought to get something done? Whew! :wishbone:

      The craft fair sounds like fun, too. Haven’t been to one of those in ages.

  5. Dee says:

    I am thankful for my family and friends, my furbabies and my health. I am excited about my annual Christmas show trip to Lancaster next Saturday. I love visiting the area, it’s so much fun.

  6. Mary Kirkland says:

    Mr Handyman sounds wonderful. I have my own Mr Handyman because hubby is a retired maintenance man.

    This week I’m happy that my arm is working almost 100% but I found out that this is probably as good it’s going to get. Even with all the physical therapy I did, I lost some range of motion. I can no longer put my hand behind my back because my arm doesn’t bend like that anymore. But at least it doesn’t hurt anymore. woohoo.

    I’m also happy that my brother confirmed that he and his wife will be coming for Thanksgiving and so will my daughter, grandson, dad and step mother. So I’ll have a full house. :thanksgiving:

    • Heidi says:

      Oh, man, it must be GREAT to have a maintenance man at hand 24/7. I sure do call mine often enough. :iamouttahere:

      I’m so glad your arm is better! I wish it were back to the way it was, but *almost* 100% is better than under 100%. :turkeyknit:

      Yay on your Thanksgiving plans. I haven’t even given that holiday a thought yet, but I’m sure it will be quiet…& hopefully yummy. :piemunch:

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