Sexy Fail

Um…no. Also, if this is the next generation of men, be afraid—be very afraid. :uhoh


15 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Mary Kirkland says:

    WTH? Egads and ick… Do they really think they are sexy?

  2. Donna says:

    Sorry had a flashback to the Full Monty

  3. Jessica Lemmon says:

    Answer: Two things that should never appear in a hero’s hand.

    Question: What are Busch beer and Skoal?

  4. kris says:

    locking my daughter up now.

  5. Laura J. says:

    I don’t know if you all have seen this. But the guy on the left looks like Fred (from the Fred movies/You Tube) and his “neighbor” Kevin (from the movie).

    And yes, if this is the future of our “men” we are truly and seriously in trouble.

    And now back to my People magazine.

  6. Irene says:

    No real six packs there…except in the stack. Yatch!

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