Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday!

This is our first Happy Sunday post since the holidays… :tree

How are you doing?  Did you survive?  Have you recovered yet?  (I don’t know if I have or not. :houhoh )  And how are you enjoying the New Year so far? :newyear

I can tell you, though, that I’ve had a fun couple of weeks…both including & excluding the holidays.

I AM HAPPY that I stumbled upon quite a few great holiday & post-holiday deals.  My shopping cart runeth over, let me tell you.  And since I did almost zero Christmas shopping ahead of time, I was glad to finally have a few gifties to hand out & to fill my own stocking.  (More about that later this week. :pumpkin )

I AM HAPPY that I was finally both able & driven to dump my cell phone company & switch to TracFone.  I may be speaking too soon here, but those monthly bills were getting ridiculous for all the more I used the thing.  Honestly, I have turned it on maybe three times since October…texted a total of three times & made zero phone calls…yet I’ve been paying an astronomical monthly bill.  What’s that about? :brr   Now to see if this pay-as-you-go thing works & learn how to use a brand new phone.

I AM HAPPY that the neighbors moved out.  I know that sounds awful of me, but things have been nearly unbearable for the past ten months.  These are the folks whose two pitbulls cornered me, as well as several others, in my own yard on multiple occasions…then they acted like we were all at fault.  Like we’d rolled around in steak sauce before stepping outside. :turkey   And once that started, things went downhill at a rapid pace.  But thankfully, they moved out over Christmas, which was just about the nicest gift I could have gotten.  Now to pray that whoever moves in next is awesomeness personified. :skate

(For the record…& before I get a bad reputation here—or, um, a worse one :booby …I don’t normally have a problem with pitbulls.  Never have before, anyway.  Except the ones that are un-neutered, aggressive, & not kept on their leashes/in their own yards/under control.  It could have just as easily been a German Shepherd, Boxer, or rabid Chihuahua.  Corner me against my own house & leave a scar on my mother’s hand, & all warm-&-fuzzy, animal-loving bets are off. :cat )

And finally, I AM HAPPY & thankful to my Darlings who won books over Christmas.  I was a little worried that no one would be around to enter, let alone see that they’d won & send me their mailing information.  But you guys rocked!  I actually heard from the holiday winners more quickly than I sometimes do from the regular Free Book Friday ones.  So thank you!

And thank you, too, to everyone who dropped by—even on Christmas Day! :tree —to enter.  You made the giveaways a huge success & me very happy. :candycane

That about does it for me!  So how are you doing this week?  What good news or happy circumstances would you like to share to make our Happy Sunday post complete?

Now to announce the winner of our latest Free Book Friday giveaway, Chill of Fear

:gift   LeeAnn Pratt!!!  :gift

Congratulations, LeeAnn! :cheers Please contact me with your mailing information, & I’ll get your book out to you as soon as I can!


13 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Kathleen O says:

    Happy Sunday to you Heidi…
    I am happy to have started this first week of the new year out with three book wins from blogs I go to everyday… SO It has been a :newyear for me in the book department.. Then there are all those wonderful books I have on my new kindle, which I won in Novemeber from another blog source.. And I was able to transfer all those wonderful e-books that I have won over to my new kindle.. I actually can’t wait to upgrade my kindle to a Kindle Fire.. I enter contest each time one is offered.. Maybe my luck will hold out..

    Have a good Sunday and glad to hear that yours ended and started with your nieghbours moving out.. It is not the dog’s fault that thier owners did not train them properly… :cheers

    • Heidi says:

      Way to go on all the recent wins, Kathleen—so fun!

      And I totally agree with you. Just like kids, dogs only get away with bad behavior if the parents/owners allow it. And all we asked the first time it happened was that they keep them on leashes or put them inside the fenced-in area they *already have* in their back yard. I don’t think that was so much to expect, do you? But they didn’t want to be bothered & things quickly disintegrated…esp. since it happened over & over again. But for the record, the one dog *is* aggressive & *needs* to be neutered before something really bad happens. 🙁

  2. Colleen C. says:

    Congrats to LeeAnn!
    Happy Sunday all! :reindeer2

  3. Quilt Lady says:

    Happy Sunday eveyone! I know this sounds bad but I moved my son back to college yesterday and now hubby is back to work so I am happy to just have some alone time. I missed my alone time when every one was here. :booby

    • Kathleen O says:

      You deserve some alone time.. We all do. But it will be reading week, if they have that at your son’s college, before you know it and he will be back home for a week, and your husband will be around on the weekends to bug you.. You will be happy… :candycane

    • Heidi says:

      LOL I totally understand that! Bet you’re just sitting there, decompressing. :cat Enjoy the quiet while it lasts!

  4. Mary Kirkland says:

    Ya know, it irritates me to no end to see or hear about a dog owner who has not taken the time to train their dog and it is the owners responsibility to do this. Dog’s like any other animal are going to act the way they want unless their owner shows them the right way to act.

    Anyway, I am happy that I won a few books in the past month and had an entire week to myself to read them when hubby went to dog sit for his sister. I love him to death…but it’s nice to have the place to myself and a little peace a quiet. I read 7 books in 5 days. lol

    I am also happy I turned in my Swagbucks points for amazon gift cards and was able to buy myself a ring to replace the one I had to cut off my finger a couple of months ago when my hands swelled up from touching raw shrimp. I’m allergic to raw shrimp and break out in blisters and welts if I touch them…which I did because I thought I could do it fast and it was just a couple of them…I usually wear rubber gloves but thought i could do it fast..I know better now..lol Lesson learned.

    And because my new ring is so pretty I want to share it with you…here it is..

    I’m so happy with this. I wear a size 10 on my ring finger, so it’s sometimes hard to find rings in my size but this one is so pretty. I wear a size 10 in shoes too, go figure.

    • Cindy Rushford says:

      I just wanted to say your ring is very pretty . I went over and took a peek:) I to get very angry and disgusted at people who do not teach their dogs to behave .
      I cannot tolerate dogs who bite. mine we taught as pups that that is unacceptable behavior and they have never bitten ever.
      Anyways enjoy your books and happy Janurary.

    • Heidi says:

      Ooh, that’s very pretty! I love garnets. And rubies & emeralds & sapphires & diamonds…

      Wait. What were we talking about again? :icecube

  5. Hollie says:

    Happy Sunday…and Congrats LeeAnn! woohooo!!!!


    I’m glad that I survived my 2 weeks off work. Actually I wish I didn’t have to go back..ever…but unfortunately my dh didn’t win the lotto…sooo…

    and I’m glad that we have started looking for a newer car…something small and compact and more economical than the Impala that we have.

    and that I am registered for Lori Foster’s event in June.
    and I’ll be going for the open book signing at RT in Chicago this year!!
    Any chance of a certain Mistress going to be at either one of these events???? pleasssseee???? :tsspp

  6. Cindy Rushford says:

    Congrats LeeAnn on winning and Happy reading . I know Heidi’s books are great so I know you will enjoy them.

    Heidi I am glad that the Christmas season is done for another year as well . Though we had a pretty laid back Christmas with just Ken and I and my Rusty dog and our Misty kitty sharing it. I made a lot of the gifts we gave out this year. I had a ball doing it.
    Wishing everyone a very laid back and great January. So far we have had little snow which is great.
    I have a neighbor who is a excuse me hear but a real pain in the butt………………has been since the day we moved in but I ignore him for the most part………
    Ken and I are probably a couple of the most laid back people there is and we try to get along with everyone and for the most part succeed very well but there is always someone who has to be a pain. I told Ken it is ok just helps us learn tolerance and patience but I admit there are times mine is sorely stretched.
    Anyways I digress , Have a wonderful week everyone.

  7. Laura J. says:

    Sorry, but I’m not as happy as I should be on Happy Sunday (sick), but I’m trying and still had some good stuff happen!

    B’girl had a good meet (and thankful we are halfway through meet season!) Today she modeled for a photo studio and at first she didn’t want to go. 5 minutes in …I’ve created a monster!

    My middle boy was selected to be a member of the Homecoming Court at school!!! This is really special because he’s kind of a hermit and has had some struggles. But from what I understand he was selected by a landslide and because one girl told everybody that they had to vote for T and her (she didn’t make it…lost by one or two votes), but his Dean of Students said no other boys were close. (There are two classes of Freshman and each class voted for their nominee). He is now up for Prince (Frosh-Soph-Jr voting for that). I’m not telling him that part though. hehehe Poor boy wasn’t too sure about the whole thing at first.

    The oldest is back at school and doing well. Again, (and I wish I could have had his schedule) he has the best schedule (time wise) I have seen for a college freshman. AND HE HAS A JOB!!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a great week!! Congrats LeeAnn!!!

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