Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday, My Darlings!

How was your Thanksgiving?  Day, dinner, break—whatever. :yumyum:

And if you ventured out, how was your Black Friday? :killturkey:  I, of course, did not venture out the day after Thanksgiving.  Or on Thanksgiving itself, thankyouverymuch.  For which I AM HAPPY. :ridemturkey:

I hope you’re happy & thankful about lots of stuff this week, too—are you ready & willing to share?

I AM HAPPY that I’ve made the acquaintance of a great guy who shall be known from this point on as Mr. Plumber Man.  (He’s actually Mr. Plumbing & Heating, but who has time for that? :turkeycoma: )  Mr. Plumber Man has assured me he can put heat in the basement of the New House before winter truly kicks in, & that it won’t be too expensive because he intends to take the (dirty, stinky, too-much-trouble) coal furnace that’s already down there in exchange for the labor & materials. :turkeydance:

I AM HAPPY, too, that Mr. Plumber Man also says a bathroom can be put in the basement of the New House with very little trouble.  There’s a small nook under the stairs that will be the perfect spot for a toilet, & I’ve already got an extra bathroom sink that he can install just outside.  Yay!  I can’t wait until that’s done, because the one thing the house really does need is a bathroom & water source of some kind down there.  Otherwise, it’s quite a trek upstairs to the nearest bathroom, & it’s a trek I don’t want to contemplate making a zillion times if I follow through with my plans to turn the basement into my office & workout area. :iamouttahere:

 photo 5ce2765b0e90742891643d44cb03ad86_zpsafx5iyy6.jpgAnd I’m a little late mentioning this, but I AM HAPPY that The Walking Dead is back for Season 6.  I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for my Zombie Apocalypse peeps to reappear, & it’s been really hard to be without fresh glimpses of my Darling Daryl for so long.  Unfortunately, I’m behind on episodes; I didn’t think I could handle the one where it looked like Daryl was in serious trouble, so I decided to leave it on the DVR while I spent some time unpacking & putting stuff away.  And now, almost before I can believe it’s even possible, the mid-season finale is right around the corner.

So how about you?  Without bursting into tears (I hope), what bits of gratitude would you like to share this week?  We’re eager to hear, so don’t be shy! :happytable:


5 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Kathleen O says:

    I am grateful for one of my BFF’s who always comes around this time of year to spend the weekend. We had a lot of laughs and fun. And we did some shopping, went to the Casino, lost some money and then went out and spend more… that’s a good time had by all.
    Have a good week.

  2. Arlene Hittle says:

    Since my family is far away and I broke up with my fiancé a few months ago, I’m happy that I got to spend Thanksgiving with friends. I didn’t even mind the endless football, since I had my crochet project in my lap most of the time.

    The bummer about eating somewhere else, though, is that I have no leftovers. :gobble:

    I’m also happy that I attended the Holiday Light Parade downtown last night. So pretty!

  3. Dee says:

    I am thankful for my family and friends. For Thanksgiving, my sister and brother in law hosted and did an excellent job. There were 8 of us for dinner, which was just the perfect amount. The food was great and all had fun. Friday was spent museum hopping instead of Black Friday shopping, although I did manage to do some online shopping this weekend.

    Hope everyone had a good time.

  4. Ruth C says:

    :ridemturkey: Oh, I love the new side bar items. Had a quiet week, spent Thanksgiving with friends since my daughter lives in Wisconsin and neither of us could get time off last week.

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